arm balance

Neophiliac Yoga

Neophiliac Yoga

The mountain ranges surrounding the Valley of the Sun called to him in the early 80s. Those hills held possibility. A lifelong hobbiest, Dad spent my tweenish years prospecting for gold in the foothills of Arizona. Trekking to n’er before trampled soils to dig in, exploit, strike it rich. Perhaps this is where my inner explorer got nourished. Building campfires…

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Prep, Prop, Fly – Parsva Bakasana Side Crow

Prep, Prop, Fly – Parsva Bakasana Side Crow

Parsva Bakasana – Side Crow Fly this yoga pose after mindfully warming up your body and understanding the integration of stable joints found in the safe alignment of chaturanga arms. Link to the video below for ways in which to support your arm balance journey and fly side crow using a wall and/or blocks. VIDEO DEMONSTRATING PROPS FOR SIDE CROW…

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