
Mindful Metamorphosis

Mindful Metamorphosis

The butterfly metamorphosis is truly one of nature’s most miraculous events. As a caterpillar voraciously nourishes its body in order to grow and change, it molts and lets go of old layers. Sound familiar? We too nourish our bodies in our yoga practice. By inhaling oxygen, we nourish cells. And then we let go of the parts of the air…

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The Gift of Presence

The Gift of Presence

Being fully present in the moment is the greatest gift you can offer yourself and others. We humans are wired to seek and thrive in connection with one another, to feel the experience of our life having purpose and meaning, and to emit joy flowing effortlessly through us. The most potent way you can gift yourself and others the felt…

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Yoga is Good for Your Sole

Yoga is Good for Your Sole

Are you a runner pounding the pavement with your feet, a rock climber cramming your toes into tight shoes, on your feet long hours for work, or sporting heels on the regular?  Your feet may benefit from the extra loving care of toega – yoga for your toes!  In addition to the effects of overuse in the physical body, excessive…

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Therapeutic Crafting

Therapeutic Crafting

Crafting – whether with ceramics, paint, wire, wool or flowers – is a wonderful way to wind-down from stress, and to cultivate more creativity. The rhythmic and repetitive nature of creating with your hands is calming, comforting and contemplative. Research shows that knitting and other forms of textile crafting such as sewing, weaving, macrame-ing and crocheting have quite a lot…

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Adult-Free Weekend

Adult-Free Weekend

What happened to the people inside us who were completely unaffected by others’ opinions?  Boldly seeking to be individuals who stood out uniquely and unapologetically? I believe they are still in there begging for some air time. Let’s invite them out to play in a safe space where inclusion, connection and empathy abound. A center where you can simply live…

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Why Sanskrit?

Why Sanskrit?

  Why do yoga teachers use a language 1000s of years old? Sanskrit is no longer used as a spoken language, yet this oldest language on Earth is still prominent in Yoga classes. Attend enough Yoga classes in various locations, and you will likely arrive in a class some day where the teacher uses only the Sanskrit title to describe the posture…

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Plant-Based Yoga

From a Plant-Based Yogi Let’s sprout roots, grow and salute the sun together. St. Louis VegFest Yoga Daughter of a gold prospector / gardener / construction worker / minister, I found my love of plants at a young age. Plants & Tantra Yoga My dad granted me a lifelong awareness of our interwoven co-existence with all life on this planet,…

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Prep, Prop, Fly – Parsva Bakasana Side Crow

Prep, Prop, Fly – Parsva Bakasana Side Crow

Parsva Bakasana – Side Crow Fly this yoga pose after mindfully warming up your body and understanding the integration of stable joints found in the safe alignment of chaturanga arms. Link to the video below for ways in which to support your arm balance journey and fly side crow using a wall and/or blocks. VIDEO DEMONSTRATING PROPS FOR SIDE CROW…

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Why do we Namaste with Prayer Hands?

Why do we Namaste with Prayer Hands?

In America, we tend to end yoga classes with our hands placed palms together over our hearts. But why? Seemed only apropos that someone calling herself a Yoga Evangelist could start with the subject of prayer hands in yoga. It has many reasons, and is as ancient as the practice itself. Here’s some of what resonates with me. I’d love…

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