8:00 pm 9:00 pm

This was supposed to be at the now postponed Spring Celebration near Kansas City. I will continue to hold the class at 8pm on April 18 online for ReKinection's Spring Celebration Live on zoom.

In order to follow along, you will need:

  1. a t-shirt you want to cut (more form-fitted shirts work best)
  2. a sharp pair of scissors (no running)
  3. a piece of cardboard that fits flat inside your shirt to hold it taught. (optional but helpful)

Let's cut up! We will  create a masterpiece, slitting and weaving your shirt into a custom art piece. This is a great way to upcycle and update your t-shirts. In this time where Mother Earth seems to be asking for a long exhale, we can turn to art in our seclusion. Film, literature, music, and art can all be temporary escapes from the shackles of real panic. Like we saw in Italy, art can also be liberating, joyful outlets in times of boredom and loneliness.

So let's design. 60 minute class. Class starts and ends precisely on time.

Wildwood Education Center
7095 W 399th St
Lacygne, KS 66040

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