FLOW - Heated

9:15 am 10:15 am

This dynamic and challenging vinyasa yoga class synchronizes breath and builds strength through continuous movement. This class is guided and in a heated studio. The temperature set to 94ยบ.

Each time you attend a yoga class you are gifting your Self another opportunity to learn and grow. In each FLOW class you will have the space and permission to move at the pace of your breath, in that moment, in that class. If you choose to come for the physical benefits, you'll find them. You will get stronger, more flexible, more mobile. Yoga can help you prevent injuries, and heal injuries. In addition to the physical aspects, you might elect to spend time on your mat for the mental growth, creating new synaptic connections in your brain that help you balance out your thoughts. Through exploring shapes and challenging your edges, you will address all layers of you. Your physical body, mental body and emotional body. We will ground into the moment and feel ourselves expanding in this class where portions of it you are gifted with time to flow without my voice guiding you. This allows for you to more deeply connect to the communication between your mind and body without the interference of my voice. Subbing this one for Danielle Tridenti.

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