- Yoga is the answer
- Facebook memories are time warp reality checks
- Eating close to the earth makes most sense to me
- Kids are the supreme teachers of life lessons
- The book is always better than the movie
- You’re never too old for airplane
- Today is a gift
- Cycling always makes my day better
- Loving fiercely is worth it
- Life humbles you, sometimes because you need it
- Focus on the good stuff (my shirt I’m wearing while typing this!)
- Likes on social media do not accurately depict who you are, nor do they bear any resemblance as to your worth as a human
- Enjoy all four seasons
- Eye contact matters
- Sunsets and sunrises happen daily. See at least one
- Ask for help (relearning this regularly)
- See the stars. If it takes getting out of the city, do so
- Planting a garden is therapy. Eating what you grew is richly rewarding
- Keeping a journal centers me and I find self love and self compassion in it
- Voting matters
- Everyone has a story and carries some pain in their body
- Choose to give back. It is more richly rewarding than money
- Singing helps. Turn up the radio and sing
- Hugging for 20+ seconds releases oxytocin
- The greeting of a dog and the laughter of children is medicinal
- Positive words matter
- If it comes in styrofoam don’t buy it. Styrofoam doesn’t biodegrade, ever
- We didn’t inherit this Earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our kids (Native American proverb)
- If she/he cheated on someone with you, it’s only a matter of time
- The more I focus on my breath, the better everything gets
- Not everyone is the same in person as they appear online
- IKEA bags are the same width as yoga mats
- Yoga props are always helpful
- Being upside down helps
- Confidence is sexy
- Great leaders don’t get where they are by following the crowd
- It’s just stuff
- Words matter
- Never lose your inner child. Dance. Sing. Skip. Color outside the lines
- Get the massage
- Give your time to your children
- Believe you can. It’s the first step in accomplishing anything
- They can’t say yes if you don’t ask
- Ask the Universe daily, “How does it get any better than this?”
- Sunscreen is paramount
- Fit does not equal healthy
- No one is perfect. This especially holds true for people we put on pedestals. No matter how important, how many followers they have nor how enlightened they are, they’re still human
- You can do anything if you try
- Gratitude is the key to happiness
- Aging is a privilege not all are afforded