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Bright Eye Yoga


Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Or woken from a dream in the exact position you were in while dreaming? Have you found yourself knowing what someone was going to say before they said it? You might be tapping into your sixth sense, the ability to tune into primal instincts and the subtle signals of nature, like animals can sense a storm or earthquake. The chakra associated with this is the third eye chakra, or Ajna, Sanskrit for “beyond wisdom”. This Ajna chakra relates to how we connect the external world with our internal dialogue. It corresponds with your intuition and spiritual awareness. Let’s tap into this third eye energy on Saturday with intentions of connecting deeper to your calmness, insight, self-awareness, imagination and clairvoyance. BRIGHT EYED YOGA.

Breathe & Bend Hot Yoga
5101 Monterey Road
Albers, IL 62215

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